Mr. Speaker, here we go again. The Liberal government's failure to deal effectively with terrorism by a few aboriginal thugs in the past is continuing to cause a breakdown in law and order.
These terrorists know that the justice minister and the solicitor general follow the politically correct agenda that will not bring the full force of the law to bear for legal action.
Canadians, including law-abiding aboriginal people, are disgusted that the government has two legal systems in place. Word has been received that other terrorist actions will take place, that a few more hotheads are planning to take over land they do not own and have no claim to, land to which they have no history.
Let the government know that the law-abiding people of Canada are watching, that they want to see all laws enforced. Canadians are watching for the government to quit the politically correct attitude and bring the full force of the law down on all those who threaten Canadians.