Mr. Speaker, last week I spent some time knocking on the doors of constituents.
I asked people what was of concern to them now, halfway through the mandate. Three issues were stated most frequently. Several seniors said: "I'm afraid to go out on the street alone in my neighbourhood. Several years ago I felt no threat for my own safety as I walked to see my neighbour. Today I either take a cab, my car or ask someone to come with me. Can't you do something that will discourage the criminals?"
The second issue was: "When will the government get its spending under control? I am worried that when I reach retirement age there won't be any money left for me".
The third issue came from a 16-year-old. He quoted Winston Churchill: "Democracy is the worst system ever invented except for all the rest". He talked about the problems of the Quebec referendum balloting and said: "We need to tell the government to do everything it can to punish the guilty ones and to make sure that we take all possible precautions to prevent it from ever happening again".
That is what the people are saying. I challenge the Prime Minister and every MP to get on with the Canadian agenda.