We are laughing and joking, but it is not really funny.
This man has been the justice minister for two years. All he wants to do is register firearms at a cost of $400 million and impose a bunch of ludicrous infringements on private property and carrying on like that, rather than doing what really is important which is toughening up the criminal justice system, making our streets safer and actually punishing people who commit crimes.
It is wonderful to talk about the causes of it. It is wonderful to look at how we can help these people to not commit these crimes. Those are solutions that are of a much longer term. In the short term the punishment should fit the crime and parole should not be given to violent offenders.
Why not make violent criminals serve their full sentence without possibility of parole? Why not get tougher with the criminals, show that the justice system is tough, then look at the rights of the victims and give them the satisfaction that at least the government of this land is looking after their rights and not just the criminals rights.