Madam Speaker, I object to any kind of a week that is named prisoners week. If this week was intended to honour victims then it certainly is not named right. The first thing I thought of when I heard we were having national prisoner's week is good old Clifford Olson, good old Karla Homolka and good old Paul Bernado. That is exactly what crossed the mind of most people in my riding when they phoned me and said: "What in the devil is prisoner's week?" I said: "I do not have any idea at all. I just heard it was announced". They do not have brains enough to at least name it right.
Now they are going to defend it by saying that what they really meant was this and that and so on, but it sure did not come out that way. If you are to have something besides honouring those kinds of individuals then say so and name it properly.
Let us go to the second question. You must have not been listening, sir, when I told you about these pamphlets that are getting into-