Yes, it happens now because members come here with varying amounts of money. Some are well to do. Some may have a very substantial investment income. They still get paid a salary of $64,000 and change for doing their job as a member of Parliament. Every single member of Parliament gets that.
The ones who are getting paid extra, and I point this out to the hon. member, are the ones who are doing work which is additional to their work as members of Parliament. He may not think that the additional work is significant but the fact is all the ones who are getting paid extra are being paid extra because they do additional work. All the ones who are not doing additional work in this House are receiving the same amount of money.
I want to quote the hon. member for Calgary Centre who justified one of his own members receiving a pension from a provincial legislature by saying: "The member the Liberal MP asked me about is not guilty of double dipping. It is not double dipping. This individual served in the provincial legislature. This individual resigned from the provincial legislature. This individual offered his services to the Canadian public on a federal basis".
The hon. member for Lisgar-Marquette loves it when I quote one of his colleagues.