Mr. Speaker, the management of forest resources in Yukon has been one of the most mismanaged federal issues I have ever seen in my years in Yukon. The lack of a comprehensive forestry policy has resulted in sit-ins,
week long demonstrations, and lawsuits. Surely this has to be a wake-up call that all is not well.
The only positive thing that can be said about the federal government's handling of this issue is that its ineptness has managed to unite the politicians of all parties, First Nations, loggers, and a very large percentage of the population. It should do so well on national unity.
Northern affairs has managed to introduce casino logging by calling three lotteries for timber permits and then cancelling them. It has not instituted the promised forestry advisory committee on reforestation and has caused unnecessary expenditures by both First Nations and taxpayers for failing to foresee the possibility of legal action.
The minister of Indian and northern affairs must take charge, do a full review of the management of northern affairs in Yukon, and institute immediately a full and public review of forest policy.