Mr. Speaker, I address some comments to Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition, currently the Bloc Quebecois supported by the Liberals, with specific reference to the words loyal and opposition.
According to the Oxford dictionary loyal means faithful, trustworthy, true, steadfast in allegiance and devoted to the sovereign or government of one's country. In the House the Bloc is certainly not loyal to Her Majesty or to Canada and is openly plotting against the government to set up a separate Quebec.
Turning to the word opposition, according to Beauchesne's the official opposition is the largest minority group which is prepared in the event of the resignation of government to assume office. How can we have an opposition party that has no intention of becoming government, at least not in Canada, and is attempting to set up a separate independent state?
Clearly Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition in this 35th Parliament is neither loyal to Canada nor is prepared to fulfil the role of official opposition. It is time for the Bloc to step aside to make room for the real opposition to the Liberals, the Reform Party of Canada.