Mr. Speaker, the motion before the House states:
That, in the opinion of this House, the government should immediately take the required measures to privatize all operations and services of the Canada Post Corporation.
I cannot support this motion. To support it is to support an end to universal access. My riding of Annapolis Valley-Hants is primarily a rural riding, a riding where people recognize the important role of the post office in strengthening the economic and social infrastructure of our communities.
Much like myself, the hon. member for Yellowhead lives in and represents a predominantly rural riding, an area where a private corporation might not choose to provide a service. Does the hon. member realize that if this motion were adopted, the postal services in his riding and in rural ridings across Canada could be seriously affected or become non-existent?
As government we believe in the importance of providing easy access for all Canadians regardless of where they live. I cannot understand why the member for Yellowhead would introduce a motion that could deny postal services to his own constituents.
Canada Post is improving services to Canadians. In the past five years Canada Post Corporation has increased by nearly 30 per cent the number of locations where stamps, postal products and postal services can be purchased. The crown corporation has a network of over 2,500 franchise outlets across the country. When we walk into our local drug store or convenience store, chances are we can purchase postal products at one of these outlets. These outlets attract customers to these locations which means increased commerce. It is good for business and good business helps our economy.
By building on these partnerships with local businesses, Canada Post is expanding the accessibility of postal services without incurring large expenditures. This is part of Canada Post's drive to ensure convenient access to postal services for Canadians.
I also point out to the hon. member that independent surveys done by Decima and Anderson Strategic Research show that customer satisfaction with these outlets is well over 90 per cent.
Canada Post's diversity is evident and it is demonstrated in how it operates throughout the country. Take for example Atlantic
Canada. In Atlantic Canada, Canada Post is a 200-year old federal institution which has helped to build and maintain the region. Atlantic Canada is predominantly rural and has the largest number of small post offices in the country. Among them is Canada Post's first post office which is located in Halifax. Throughout the region there are approximately 2,300 locations to buy postal products.
The post office is not just a place to buy stamps. It is a place to interact with other people, to establish the links which make a community and build a country. I live across the street from the post office in Canning, Nova Scotia and I see the traffic. I hear the conversations. I see the relationships which are made. I see the transactions people make. I talk to those people. It is the hub of our community.
For millions of Canadians the post office has been connection point and an important part of our culture. Hon. members will remember that in February 1994 there was talk of further closures of rural and small town post offices. During that debate I talked and met with postal officials and many concerned citizens in my riding of Annapolis Valley-Hants and the message was clear: "Do not close down the post offices". I brought that message back to Ottawa.
On February 17, 1994 in the House I urged the government to demonstrate its commitment to rural Canadians to ensure that these post offices remained open. The minister listened to these concerns and to the concerns expressed by Canadians from coast to coast to coast. As we know, he placed a moratorium on closures and conversions of rural and small town post offices. In announcing the moratorium the minister said: "As long as this government is in power, no rural or small town post office will be closed".
I remind the hon. member that in his riding the towns of Whitecourt, Grande Cache, Hinton, Edson and Jasper are all covered by the Liberal moratorium on post office closures.
If Canada Post were to be privatized, would the private company keep all of these small post offices open? Even courier companies are closing down shop in small towns. If these companies close down, who is left? Who will deliver the parcels to rural areas once the hon. member has privatized Canada Post? That is why Canada Post is a necessary national institution.
The hon. member must take into account that 20 per cent of Alberta and 23 per cent of Canada is rural. With privatization there is a real danger that rural Canadians will be forgotten.
People in the town of Evansburg in the hon. member's riding held a meeting and asked the government not to close down their postal outlet. The government is listening. Canada Post under this government will not abandon rural Canadians.
While the motion talks of privatization, I wonder what kind of service Canadians living in the northern regions would receive under this scenario. In all likelihood the answer is nil.
Canada Post has had a profound impact on the north. Since its formation in 1989 the northern services division has been responsible for maintenance and improvements to postal operations in northern Canada.
Ongoing training programs have allowed northern services to work toward the gradual turnover of operations and management to indigenous residents of the area. The area administered includes Yukon, Northwest Territories, communities in northern Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, and all of Labrador. This division represents 72 per cent of Canada's land mass and a diverse population of 221,000 people.
The geographic location, the climate conditions, the low population density and the remoteness of population centres create operational challenges and some difficulties in mail delivery and communication with residents. To overcome these difficulties, the corporation has adopted its network policies and procedures to meet the specific needs of the north.
It is clearly evident that Canada Post helps to promote and maintain this region of our vast country. Canada Post must remain a crown corporation because there is a need to provide consistent services to Canadians while being fiscally responsible. This means servicing all areas of the country, even those which are less profitable, and serving them well.
That is why the Canada Post Corporation was established as a crown corporation on October 16, 1981 out of what was then a government department. I remind all members of the House that the Canada Post Corporation Act was supported by all three parties in the House of Commons. It was welcomed by organized labour, business and consumer groups.
The Canada Post Corporation was established as a crown corporation to provide purpose and direction and to bring business values to the operation of postal services in Canada. Why should this government now take a successful corporation and privatize it? I believe that over the years Canada Post has made progress. However, I also believe we still have a lot of work to do.
I am pleased to see that our government is conducting a mandate review of Canada Post. It has been 15 years since the corporation was established and 10 years since the Marchment report, the last major review of Canada Post's mandate. It is therefore necessary to examine the current situation against the original intent. It provides a valuable opportunity to revisit corporate direction.
Canada Post is a national institution and we are proud of it. Canada Post has achieved many accomplishments. Canada Post is a viable crown corporation and it provides an essential public service.
I cannot support the motion before the House because I believe it would bring an end to universal access to postal services. This in turn would negatively affect the very communities I have been elected to serve.