Mr. Speaker, I rise today to bring to your attention the deep concerns of
many of my constituents, especially in the districts of Cudworth, Wakaw, and Humboldt, regarding pornography.
I have received many little white ribbons in recognition of WRAP week, "White Ribbons Against Pornography". The letter I received from Lana Reding explains it best. Lana wrote: "We feel that not enough is being done to protect families against abuse and pornography, especially our children, who are our future. In our church, St. Michael's Parish, we pinned white ribbons on our parishioners and they returned them the following week. Also our town of Cudworth declared that October 22 to 29 be recognized as WRAP week. There is far too much pornography on TV, in magazines, and books, exposing our children to sex, violence, and crimes. They need to be protected from much of this. We hope you will pass these ribbons along to our Prime Minister and express our concern regarding WRAP week".
It is only when people like Lana Reding get involved in the process that meaningful change can occur. I commend my constituents for their efforts.