Mr. Speaker, Phillipe Clement, Dean Cyr, Isaac Deas, Daniel Gingras, Clinton Suzack and Clinton Gayle. What do all of these names have in common? They are convicted felons who have either raped, killed or tortured innocent Canadians while under supervision.
These are not isolated cases. The list is much longer than those I have mentioned. For every name there is at least one victim whose life came to a violent, tragic end because their assailant was not fit to be walking the streets. Many of the families of these victims have pending lawsuits. They want to know why dangerous criminals are held in prisons without fences. They want to know why
ruthless killers are given birthday passes to go to shopping malls with unarmed guards. They want to know why the decision making process over parolees is made by political cronies who are incompetent and costing innocent Canadians their lives.
All these atrocities fall under the portfolio of the solicitor general. It is high time he took responsibility and realized that when it comes to the safety of Canadians there is no compromise. Canadians are tired of living in fear.