Mr. Speaker, Canadians are astounded to learn that our human rights commissioner feels it is inappropriate to comment on human rights abuses in China. His tolerance of forced abortions and his inability to pass judgment on the execution of political dissidents show shameful disdain for women's rights, equal rights and human rights.
We must tell China that this policy is wrong. As Canadian Human Rights Commissioner it is his responsibility to lead, not to follow. He has a moral obligation to help bring about change in areas where the humane treatment of people is rejected. He must do this by showcasing Canada as a model of democratic tolerance, a champion of human rights and a defender of the exploited.
We cannot sit idly by, as women, children and others suffer abuse at the hands of inhumane governments. Instead of resigning himself to indifference, Max Yalden should resign, himself. If he refuses, the government must remove him from office as he clearly lacks the courage to promote and represent Canadian values internationally.