Mr. Speaker, the government's head in the sand approach to running the country must stop. Our debt is $567 billion and Stats Canada reports the October jobless rate increased to 9.4 per cent.
The Pollyannas across the way no doubt have been told: "Don't worry, be happy; the economy is improving". The 65,000 new entrants into the job market will not be happy until they find a job.
The increase would have been even higher if it were not for the spinoff from the resurgence of the U.S. economy. While the Prime Minister and his cabinet were perfecting their do-nothing routine during the referendum, they failed to realize the status quo approach to the economy will bring Canada even closer to financial collapse.
The minister of HRD's orchestrated leaks about new job creation schemes show he is still clinging to the socialist notion that governments can create jobs. History has proven this approach to be an unmitigated failure.
Why does the government not get out of the way so the private sector can create some real jobs?