Mr. Speaker, the release of those files has given rise to an issue with respect to the terms on which the release should take place. The files are not the property of the Department of Justice. They belong to the metropolitan Toronto police. They were made available to us on certain conditions.
The justice department has said in effect to Mr. Kelly's counsel: "We will allow you access to what we've been given but on certain conditions". Mr. Kelly's counsel has not found those conditions acceptable. He has taken another position. Quite properly he is acting for his client diligently. We are discussing the terms under which we will release the documents.
Our purpose is not to stall. Our purpose is to ensure that if and when we do release documents, we do it showing proper respect to their origin and to our obligations as custodian to the people who generated them. I am certain we will be able to work out terms acceptable to all parties and make them available soon.