Mr. Speaker,
T'was the year before Christmas, when all through the land, The Liberals were shivering, their heads in the sand. Their pockets were hung by the chimney with care, In hope that St. Martin would not leave them bare.
The backbenchers all ready to jump into bed, While visions of gold-plated pensions danced in their heads. But out on the Hill there arose such a clatter, The Reformers had arrived to deal with this matter.
The Liberals threw open their red book in a flash, We promise to hand out plenty more cash. But what to their wondering eyes should appear, Defeat in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Ontario so clear.
But lo and behold, Canadians will see, More broken promises from these Liberals MPs. Reform is the party that will bring to this land, Hope for the future-one that is planned.
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good flight.