Mr. Speaker, I bring to the attention of Canadians the outrageous report tabled this morning by the environment committee. This report is a direct attack on Canada's resource industry and could put the proposed tar sands expansion project in my riding in jeopardy.
The proposed tar sands expansion will generate 44,000 new jobs all across Canada-real jobs, not the imaginary ones created by the minister of public works-and will add directly to government balances $97 billion.
This report makes outrageous statements about how environmentally damaging the tar sands are. The companies which extract oil from the tar sands have continually demonstrated an unwavering commitment to the goals of sustainable development and are voluntary participants in the government's CO2 reduction program. They are leading the way on environmental issues.
I urge the finance minister to reject these report recommendations as extreme and seriously consider the recommendation of the tarsands task force on the basis of the benefits to flow to all Canadians.