Once in the four-year mandate I would like to hear Reform members talk about the housing conditions and what we can do on reserves. Once I would like to hear a Reform member talk about suicide problems. I have to go out there and meet with people who have lost their children. Once I would like to hear the Reform talk about health. All we get is denunciation, denunciation of Indian people for one reason, because they are Indians.
The country will not tolerate that. What Reform learned in New Brunswick and in Abbotsford it will learn in the next election. The people of B.C. want to be proud of the members they send here. The people of B.C. are nation builders and what they see strips away that pride. The Reform Party will learn that in the next election.
When the Reform Party came to my riding it said to the steelworkers of Sault Ste. Marie when the company went under and the unions had to take it over "do not give them a penny". They now have eight months of profit and two weeks ago the men did it, the men this party does not want to represent. They now have $400 million in the financial community and have invested it. They are working, no thanks to the Reform Party.
Every time the Reform Party comes up to my riding of Sault Ste. Marie every steelworker there will know that along with all the other things I have said about Reform and the groups it excludes, it has excluded the working people of the country.