Motion No. 2
That Bill C-37, in Clause 31, be amended: a ) by replacing line 34, on page 24, with the following:
offence referred to in the schedule shall, when the circumstances set out in subsection (1) are realized in respect of the records, be'' and <em>b</em> ) by replacing line 42, on page 24, with the following:
tion 41(1) shall, when the circumstances set out in subsection (1) are realized in respect of the records, be transferred to that special''.Motion No. 3
That Bill C-37, in Clause 31, be amended by adding, immediately after line 3 on page 25, the following:
"(4) Paragraphs 45(1)( d .1) to (e) of the act, as enacted by subsection (2), apply in respect of a record relating to a finding of guilt made before the coming into force of that subsection only if the person to whom the record relates applies, after the coming into force of that subsection, to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to have those paragraphs apply.''
Motion No. 4
That Bill C-37, in Clause 32, be amended by replacing line 24, on page 25, with the following:
"to ( d ) may be kept indefinitely in the special''.