Mr. Speaker, it is my pleasure to rise and speak on behalf of the official opposition regarding Bill C-66. This bill to amend the Western Grain Transportation Act, Bill C-66, has two main objectives.
The first is to implement measures to make rail shipments under the Western Grain Transportation Act, the WGTA, more efficient, in order to avoid the grain transport problems that a lack of railway cars caused last year. The problem was, in fact, that the railway cars were being rotated too slowly. The second is to eliminate subsidies on wheat movements to Mexico, which is on the brink of taking retaliatory measures against Canada.
I doubt that Canada will meet these objectives. First of all, the bill's scope is too limited and it is far from certain that it will be sufficient to prevent a situation such as that which arose last year regarding the lack of railway cars. We must also ask ourselves why the federal government has tabled this bill containing urgent measures. Does the government intend, in the near future, to table a much more substantial bill to substantially amend the WGTA? The draft bill on major reforms to the WGTA has been around for more than a year.
The WGTA has had a destabilizing and unhealthy effect on rail transport. Its effect has been to considerably distort the rail market. Take for example the subsidy of over $550 million that rail carriers receive for shipping western grain. This subsidy was distributed among all the rail carriers in addition to the very profitable network in the west, while a large part of the secondary network is in the east, and remains in a deficit position. It is understandable, under such conditions, that pressure by rail carriers to rationalize their network is strongest in the east.
In addition, the government considers preserving the rail network used to transport western grain an issue of national interest. In fact, the federal government has imposed a moratorium on abandonment of railway lines used to transport western grain. Many of these lines are nevertheless under-used and the western rail network has never really been rationalized.
From the viewpoint of privatizing CN, and given the mounting competitive pressures on the Canadian rail network, it is imperative and urgent that such a rationalization take place. It must, however, be carried out on the entire network of both national carriers.
Rationalizing the eastern network would only undermine the competitiveness of western carriers which would be stuck with an inefficient network. This is why the Bloc Quebecois has proposed a motion to lift the moratorium on the abandonment of western rail lines. Perhaps I may repeat it here.
To allow for fair and effective restructuring of the Canadian railway system and to ensure that our national railway carriers will be competitive in the future, the House urges the government to proceed with the following:
Cancel the order in council concerning the moratorium on abandonment of railway lines used for grain transportation in western Canada.
Revise the Western Grain Transportation Act and procedures for allocating grain transportation subsidies, so as to avoid distortion on the railway transportation market. It is the opinion of this House that allowing the railway transportation sector to operate on a more commercial basis would be beneficial for Canada.
Ensure that the criteria used by the National Transportation Agency to determine the merits of applications by railway companies to abandon railway lines are applied uniformly across Canada and to the entire railway network.
We make this request because the criteria used by the federal government to allow the abandonment of railway lines are extremely narrow and show a lack of vision with respect to transportation.
This government takes a dollars and cents approach to a sector that is crucial to economic development, especially in the regions. For instance, when reviewing applications for abandonment, it fails to consider the economic impact of operating a railway line. It is only concerned about the commercial viability of the line for the carrier. It is clear that negative economic impact of the abandonment of certain lines in Canada has been
more significant than the operating losses incurred by the carriers.
We realize that the railway network of Canada's two major railway carriers must be restructured if they are to be viable once again and able to compete with other carriers. Unless our railway carriers increase their productivity, they will not have the resources to update equipment and maintain a first class network.
However, the railways are vital to the national interest, and the government cannot afford to dismantle certain lines if it means losing major economic spin-offs. It is essential that the government take into account all possible economic repercussions when considering the application to abandon a railway line. Unfortunately, the financial vision of the federal government and its Department of Transport is simply too short-sighted to provide us with a modern and efficient intermodal transport system.
A sovereign Quebec would be better able to establish an effective intermodal transport policy reflecting the real needs of its people, as it would have control over all modes of transport. In particular, it would be in a better position to understand regional transport problems. We have no objection to the federal government withdrawing from the transport sector but it should do so completely by transferring regulatory powers and without destroying existing facilities simply because of financial considerations.
Let us take the example of the Chibougamau-Chapais-Chambord line in the Lac-Saint-Jean region. Many thousands of jobs are at stake in the softwood lumber, mineral, newsprint, pulp and precision cutting sectors. Eliminating train service, with or without transfer to a railhead in the Lac-Saint-Jean region, would have dramatic repercussions for 10 out of 15 businesses without a transfer and would affect profitability and result in eventual closure for 12 of them with or without a transfer.
In Abitibi, diverting all rail traffic to the road system would generate additional revenues of $830,000 the first year for the Quebec government, while the federal government's tax revenues would go down by $510,000 a year over the same period. On the other hand, increased road use in the Abitibi region would cost at least an extra $4.8 million a year.
As we can see, a traffic shift from rail to road would result in major cost increases especially since the local road system is in pitiful shape.
In spite of Transport Canada's efforts, roads, the bearing capacity of which is not even known, continue to wear down. Increased road traffic would not only make the road surface grind away faster, but it could jeopardize the road base in a very short time.
The government will indeed have to look at several issues in developing the future national rail transportation policy that Transport Canada had promised for this year. Unfortunately, nothing in the bill before us today addresses these substantive issues.
All this bill does is eliminate backtracking from Thunder Bay and impose storage charges on cars used for in-transit grain storage.
Bill C-66 makes only minor changes to the Western Grain Transportation Act, changes that will only marginally improve rail transportation in Western Canada.
Eliminating this practice of backtracking, where it was often most cost-effective for the shipper to ship Prairie grain to Thunder Bay and have it backtrack as far west as Winnipeg than shipping it directly to the United States at commercial rates, will save an estimated $4 million.
This amount, released by the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food, will be used, however, to reduce average freight rates, that is to say the price paid by producers to ship wheat and barley.
No cuts will be made before the budget is tabled. The government is careful not to make any major or significant changes, changes which are nonetheless essential if we want to have an efficient transportation system.
The government is motivated by fear, the fear of a debate on the principle behind this issue. It is not only deplorable but also worrisome that the government not attempt to rectify a situation that could have a major negative impact on the Canadian transportation network and the Canadian economy. That is why we have presented a motion to force the Liberal government to act as soon as possible on this.
Over a year ago, on January 24, 1994, the Grain Transportation Agency made recommendations to expedite the streamlining of sidings. The information I am providing you comes from these recommendations.
First of all, regarding the Crow rate, the report suggests paying the subsidy to western grain producers and not to the railway companies, a position that is garnering increasing support. However, this is a form of assistance to western economic diversification that would be acceptable if the transition period is a reasonable one-the report mentions four years-and if after the transition period, the subsidy is transferred to an income support account to which all Canadian and Quebec producers would have access. That is, in fact, the position taken by the Quebec coalition on western grain transportation.
To speed up the restructuring process, the agency suggests expanding the definition of class 1 lines-those that can take loads of up to 220,000 pounds or whose shipments are not in excess of 500 tonnes of grain per mile, with the restriction that this would apply only to lines from where grain shipments
originate. This would exclude the CN line linking the Port of Churchill to the network. However, the agency recommends that the government assess the future of the silo in Churchill and its role with respect to grain exports. At the present time, class 1 lines extend over nearly 1,000 miles or 17 per cent of the 6,060 miles of grain branch lines, and carry 4 per cent of the total shipments.
Second, the report suggests allowing the inclusion in class 1 of lines judged to be no longer viable, where the cost of maintenance or renovation would be prohibitive. Assessments would be done by independent inspectors. Third, the report suggests immediately eliminating protection orders concerning unused lines, which may or may not be grain transportation branch lines. Fourth, it suggests setting the time limit for evaluating applications for operating alternative services at thirty days from the date of receipt of the application.
Many other recommendations could have been added to this bill which, I repeat, only deals with the most important issues.
Let us turn now to the second main objective of Bill C-66, the elimination of subsidies for Canadian wheat exports to Mexico. The government is taking this step because the Mexican government is preparing to impose countervailing duties on Canadian exports.
We know that the United States has not used its subsidy program-the Export Enhancement Program-for exports to Mexico since March 1994. Mexico is now asking Canada to follow suit. Yet American subsidies exist in other forms. Such subsidies may not be known as direct export subsidies, but they nevertheless give rise to unfair competition with Canadian exports.
I would like to know why this aspect is so strikingly absent from the bill to amend the Western Grain Transportation Act. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada has provided the following explanation in a background paper: "An investigation of countervailing duties applicable to Canadian and American wheat exports has changed wheat exports to Mexico. The United States has eliminated sums paid under the Export Enhancement Program for wheat exported to the United States, and Canada has proposed to refrain from applying subsidized rates in accordance with the Western Grain Transportation Act for wheat exported to Mexico.
Eliminating the subsidies applicable for wheat exported to Mexico will help achieve compliance with the maximum volumes stipulated in the GATT provision on subsidies and exports, for the category of wheat and wheat flour. This will allow us, the department asserts, to meet the goals of the North American Free Trade Agreement in respect of the gradual elimination of export subsidies by member countries. By changing its exports to Mexico, Canada will ensure continued access to this important market".
I would die laughing if I were American and, indeed, Americans often die laughing at our expense. In 1994, the United States imposed a ceiling on Canadian wheat exports. This measure was intended to control Canadian exports which had reached record highs. The Bloc Quebecois denounced this measure, given that Canada was not guilty of anything in the matter of the wheat, since it had dropped the export subsidy for grain destined for the United States. The Canadian government agreed to the ceiling set by the United States, deeming it an acceptable compromise and less expensive for grain producers than the American countervailing duties.
Since then, a study group has been set up to look at the question and to evaluate domestic subsidies in Canada and the United States. The results of the study will, I hope, mean a return to fairer trading rules. However, we do not believe that Canada is equal to the task in these bilateral negotiations with the United States on agricultural trade. Canada bows and scrapes, even when it has an airtight case. As we can see, this defeatist attitude is now having disastrous results for our trade with Mexico.
We are concerned about western grain producers who now will have to compete directly with American wheat exports to Mexico, knowing full well that they are receiving assistance from within. The Canadian government should have included this point in its discussions with Mexico. No, instead, Canada keeps quiet, says nothing and drops its export subsidy without hesitation.
Furthermore, I read with my own eyes that the bill would allow the Canadian government to reinstate, if necessary, the subsidy on exports to Mexico. Public servants specified that it would be possible to do that if, for example, the United States decided to reinstate its export enhancement subsidies on shipments to Mexico. This logic is surprising: Can we be sure that Mexico will resort to "fair" countervailing duties, both against Canada and against the United States? Have there been negotiations on this issue?
I invite the government to table as quickly as possible its more substantial bill, since one does exist-correct me if I am wrong. I find it hard to believe that the government hatched Bill C-66, which has a very limited scope, whereas a draft bill on a major reform of the WGTA has been around for a year.
It is true that the government, which is getting a lot of pressure from the west, the east and various interest groups affected by the WGTA, is in a difficult political situation, but is that a reason for tabling a bill that falls far short of remedying the situation? Is that a reason for giving in to the United States
and Mexico? That, nevertheless, will be the outcome of Bill C-66.