Mr. Speaker, Canada is universally recognized as having one of the fairest and most generous refugee determination systems in the world.
We were the first country to establish formal guidelines on gender persecution. It would not be, and the hon. member well knows this, appropriate to go into the details of an individual case on the floor of the House. However let me assure the hon. member that the application was reviewed in a most thorough and fair manner and the individual was found not to qualify as a refugee.
Similarly the case was reviewed in the light of our gender persecution guidelines three times and was examined for any special merit on humanitarian and compassionate grounds.
As the results of all these reviews were negative, the individual was obliged to comply with the removal order. We carried out the deportation order to uphold the integrity of the immigration system as a whole. The person did not qualify as a refugee but she is welcome to apply to immigrate to Canada through the normal channels.
I understand the Government of Quebec has shown interest in the case and under the Canada-Quebec agreement Quebec officials are welcome to facilitate her application for immigration to Canada for residence in the province of Quebec.