Madam Speaker, I welcome this question. Nothing the Liberals do should ever come as a surprise. They will stop at nothing. But when you say that certain social programs were instigated by the Liberal Party, make no mistake about this party. It happens that it often formed the minority back in those days. There was a left-center trend in Canada, Quebec, America and even Europe then, and this leftist sentiment often found a voice in the third party, that is to say the New Democratic Party, who traded its support to the government for rather important social measures. Therefore, the credit does not go the Liberal Party for instigating the measures, because it simply acted to ensure its survival and remain in power.
Now, there is a shift toward the right, as can be seen with the emergence of the Reform Party. So, what do the Liberals do? They go with the flow, shifting toward the right, casually casting aside any commitment or promise made and anything it has been forced to do by the NDP in the 1970s. They are now forced by the Reform Party to renege on all that. They are making this shift to the right for the sake of staying in power.
The Liberal Party can also be expected to go to any length to succeed. It has never had an ounce of social conscience. Not only does it renege on its commitments, but this is the kind of party that will happily squander public funds and do whatever it takes to stay in power. You do not have to go far to find evidence of this. Take today for example, with these Canadian flag celebrations. This is hilarious. Have you ever heard of an organization celebrating its 30th anniversary? Of course not. You celebrate a 25th or 50th anniversary. And not a penny had been spent on the 25th anniversary of the flag.
It has now been decided to spend $1 million on propaganda against Quebec sovereignty. They will do anything, have 800,000 posters printed, 400,000 in Quebec alone. The propaganda effort is under way, taking up million upon million of dollars, but that is no problem. That is the Liberal way. You set up three floors of office space in an office building in Ottawa, pay salaries of $90,000 to $100,000 to everyone if necessary, and you have the money to set the propaganda machine in motion. The Liberals will do anything, anything short of having open and honest discussions, honouring their commitments and going back to their red book to check what promises were made and concentrate on fulfilling them. And these are basically the things the Bloc Quebecois is asking for in its motion.