Mr. Speaker, did you know that today is the last day for random acts of kindness week?
Ten years ago author Anne Herbert scribbled a phrase on her paper placemat: "Practise random kindness and acts of senseless beauty". Since then her message has become the slogan for people who believe in their ability to make the world a better place.
This week then is an opportunity for Canadians to surprise their fellow citizens with unselfish resplendent acts.
In these times of economic disparity it is important to bring to the attention of this House and to all Canadians that a kindness movement is sweeping through North America. As the movement's organizers state, this week provides a common focus for all Canadians who believe that a little kindness goes a long way and that the greatest gift we can share with one another is our spirit of hope and optimism.
Although the week is coming to a close, I would like to wish all of my colleagues a day, a session and a year filled with random kindness and acts of senseless beauty.