Mr. Speaker, I was hoping the hon. member would delve a little deeper into the alternative measures that he started talking about.
I wonder if the hon. member is looking at the same bill, Bill C-37. I draw his attention to the summary.
This enactment amends the Young Offenders Act and the Criminal Code.
The major elements of the enactment are the following:
amendments to provide that sixteen and seventeen year olds charged with specific serious crimes involving violence will be proceeded against in adult court-
amendments to increase the period of time that sixteen and seventeen year olds convicted of murder in adult court must serve before being eligible to apply for parole;
amendments to provide that young offenders should be accountable to their victims-
This is what his constituents are requesting. In fairness, he should draw this to the attention of his constituents.
amendments to provide for greater sharing of information relating to young offenders with persons who require such information for safety reasons.
Again, this is something his constituents are requesting. Sometimes I believe that members of Parliament are not serving their constituents properly if they do not share with the constituents exactly what is in the bill.