The specific non-governmental report cited by the member in this question is Amnesty International Calls for Action to Protect Asylum-Seekers, Al Index ASA 19/WU 03/94.
Although cognizant of allegations of human rights abuses in Hong Kong refugee camps, the government was not aware of this specific report prior to the member's question.
As an active supporter of the comprehensive plan of action, CPA, on indochinese refugees, Canada recognizes that persons who are not refugees should return to their countries of origin. The group under discussion was determined by authorities not to be refugees. At the same time, the Government of Canada prefers that humane methods be used to ensure the safe repatriation of these individuals.
The Government of Canada recognizes that the protection of refugees and asylum seekers falls under the mandate of the United Nations high commissioner for refugees, UNHCR, and will continue to work with the UNCHR to bring the CPA to a successful conclusion.