And there are no fish. However we do have 123 executives in that department. As we transfer and divest the responsibilities, the proposal does not call for any decrease in the number of executives. We have to get this straight. We start cutting at the top before we get down to the bottom.
We have talked about the other place that spends a lot of money. I see the estimates are going to give them even more money this coming year. It is a small increase but nonetheless it intends to spend more money in that other place. We have said to start at the top. Start with MPs' pensions. Start with the House of Commons, the Senate and so on.
There are a lot of unemployed people in this country. We need to help people create jobs and we find that $427 million is going to be spent on our Canadian identity. We would much rather spend this kind of money creating private sector jobs and reducing taxes than spending it to protect our Canadian identity that in many cases has withered away through the multicultural programs that we spend hundreds of millions of dollars on.
Last fall the President of the Treasury Board said that we would have to wait until the budget was announced before he would give us a report on the money we spend on special interest groups. I did not hear anything in the budget yesterday about special interest groups. Another half a billion dollars of government money is being wasted. We could have cut in that area rather than cutting back on the core social programs.
We have a bad record on megaprojects. The Lloydminister heavy oil upgrader cost over $500 million and was supposed to be a great deal. We bailed out of that a couple of months ago and sold our $500 million interest for $42 million. Not good business. With the Regina heavy oil upgrader we walked away from our loan guarantee at a cost of $125 million. Hibernia, the biggest one, is now going to cost $5.8 billion. This government is going to put in $3.6 billion, 62 per cent of the cost and we are going to have 8.5 per cent of the equity.
We have major problems in the way this government runs the finances of this country. When we go through these estimates we are going to find many things. We are going to tell Canadians about the waste, the mismanagement, the protection of jobs at the top and the elimination of jobs at the bottom. We have to tell Canadians what this government is doing. Over the next few months we will be raising these questions at committee.