Mr. Speaker, the hon. member for Québec-Est has raised this question on several occasions, too often, I must say.
He got a good answer. On Friday, I tabled in the House a 1,450 page answer to his question. Apparently, he has not read it all.
As for the second part of his question, those 1,450 pages contained the answer. It is as follows: "The Minister of Public Works and Government Services has not identified any riding in particular. However we have a copy of the 1992 real property holdings directory, which includes a list of federal real property in the province of Quebec and the rest of Canada and can be obtained from the Library of Parliament or through a member of Parliament".
This information is available to anyone. It can be obtained from the Library of Parliament. There is no need to prepare an answer to be tabled here in the House when a copy of the same information is available at the Library just down the hall.
The hon. member can go there himself; there is no need to table such a document here in the House given the expense entailed in making copies.