I am informed as follows:
(a) The Departments of Fisheries and Oceans, Environment and Transport have no information on this subject.
The financial information requested is privy to the company, Seaconsult Marine Research Limited, and the parties contracted by them, and therefore the company or Dr. LeBlond should be approached directly for any clarification of these details.
(b), (c) and (d) The information requested can be found in the answer to Question No. 85 tabled February 24, 1995.
Please note that Dr. LeBlond has also assisted Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) staff to provide input into a Department of Fisheries and Oceans survey on the use of research platforms by co-ordi-
nating input from the university research community. These activities were not remunerated; they were done voluntarily.
(e) The director's advisory board for the fisheries and oceans Institute of Ocean Sciences (IOS) was established in 1991, at which time David Brander-Smith was appointed chairperson. The board has conducted an extensive review of IOS programs, defined core programs, and assisted the director with prioritization of the program and development of information exchange with stakeholders. Recently, the board has been active in providing advice on coping with program reduction strategies and budget reductions. The board is composed of individuals from commercial, recreational and native fishing interests, university, other government, environmental and oil and gas sector representatives. The objective of this board is to provide a vehicle for allowing stakeholders an opportunity to input to the development and direction of the department's ocean science program. During the time that Dr. Brander-Smith was chairperson, November 1991 to November 1994, the board provided advice in the following key areas:
Program priority determination for the institute stressing the identification of scientific excellence and productivity, separating core activities from other activities, as well as how well programs address key priorities;
Development of a strategy and implementation of a critical program review (peer review/client review) of IOS;
The need for an external scientific review of programs;
Identification of key IOS clients and contacts and intensified consultation with those clients seeking feedback on client perceptions and needs, and identifying ways of improving service and developing more formal information sharing arrangements;
Development of a communications program aimed at sharing information on program activities with clients, the public and within and between government departments;
Strengthening IOS use of partnerships and networks for co-operation, information sharing and communication; and
Placing high priority on initiatives to encourage efficiency and effectiveness, as well as developing innovative sources of funding.
The remuneration portion of this question has been answered in the response to Question No. 85 tabled February 24, 1995.