Mr. Speaker, there are two points for the Chair to consider. I submit this does not constitute a valid point of privilege.
The allegation is that there was a breach of confidentiality by the CRTC in giving information to the Deputy Prime Minister and that this may have been a violation. This is not acknowledged by our side at all. Even if it was, it would constitute a dispute in law on whether that law was breached. It is not something that the Speaker usually rules on. The Speaker has made the point on several occasions in the past that his role is not to discuss whether an issue is legal or otherwise but only whether the privileges of members of the House have been violated.
Finally, I submit to you, Mr. Speaker, that if the member has such a complaint with the CRTC he should file an appeal with the Privacy Commissioner and indicate in his appeal that he believes, if such is the case, that the privacy of his constituent has been denied.
In either case, this is not a matter for the House to deal with.