On behalf of all my colleagues in the Bloc Quebecois I am especially proud today to mark the Journée internationale de la Francophonie.
On this day, it is fitting to point out that Quebec's opening up to the world has been nowhere more evident than in its participation in the international francophone community. Since the early sixties, Quebec has been forging special bilateral links with France. This intense co-operation between Quebec and France has contributed significantly to the strengthening of multilateral contacts with francophone communities, resulting in numerous exchanges between Quebec and its main francophone partners, especially Europe and Africa, in many areas such as culture, education, scientific development, high technology and industry.
The Journée internationale de la Francophonie is especially significant this year as it happens to be the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Agence de coopération culturelle et technique. In the early seventies, the agency provided the focus for the development of the international francophone community. Quebec's right to formally participate in the agency's proceedings was quickly recognized, as was its right to sit as a participating government in the francophone summit.
There is no doubt that Quebec's participation in the international francophone community is vital to its opening onto the world. Moreover, rediscovering the way to a vibrant solidarity with francophone and Acadian communities in Canada, Quebec will be able to play a central role in building a francophone space in North America.
Last May, while making public the Bloc's commitment to the American francophone community, the Leader of the Opposition rightly pointed out that by building bridges between francophone communities in North America and the rest of the world, Quebec will be able to help make the voices of francophone and Acadian communities in Canada heard in the concert of nations, and will be thus in a better position to promote their cause.
Francophones in America have a common future and, when Quebec becomes a full partner on the international scene, freed from the constraints of being a mere province, it will be able to play this role fully. We are eagerly looking forward to that day.