Mr. Speaker, 50 years ago tomorrow morning, on March 24, 1945, the first Canadian parachute battalion made its last wartime strike from the skies into enemy territory in a major allied attack across the heavily defended Rhine River. The battalion had first jumped into battle on D-Day in Normandy as part of the 6th British Airborne Division.
Its air assault over the Rhine, which saw one of its members, Corporal George Topham, win the Victoria Cross, was once again marked by success.
The bravery of this hard-hitting unit, dropped in the midst of a desperate enemy defending their homeland, should never be forgotten.
Our Canadian airborne won the respect and hearts of their comrades, joining an airborne brotherhood which transcended all borders of the Commonwealth.
Historically, Operation Varsity was the largest and most successful airborne operation and is recorded among the battle honours, borne on the colours of the Canadian airborne regiment.
Dawn tomorrow will mark a special anniversary for paratroopers who played a significant role in hastening the end of World War II. We extend to them our sincere congratulations.