Mr. Speaker, I listened carefully to the speech of the hon. member and I think that she certainly deserved our attention, as do all the other members of the House.
She spoke briefly about unemployment insurance, and it is on this subject that I would like to comment and ask a question.
In its budget, the government established a human resources development fund from the surplus that will be generated in the unemployment insurance fund. Does the hon. member not feel it would have been a much better idea to consider a quick reduction in unemployment insurance premiums so that both individuals paying their own premiums and business could enjoy the savings right away and put this money back into the economy? Does she not feel that approach would have a more immediate direct effect on employment than an artificial fund created solely to enable government to get around jurisdictions and intervene in a whole lot of areas under provincial jurisdiction?
Does all of this not strike the hon. member as a course of action that runs contrary to the federal government's fine words about really intending to reduce the size of government? Is it not actually going to increase intervention by the federal government in areas of activity that are not in its jurisdiction and where it has proven to be ineffective?