Mr. Speaker, yesterday, the Secretary of State for Latin America and Africa told the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs that a wave of massacres, the likes of which swept through Rwanda last year, could hit Burundi this year.
By saying this, the Secretary of State has aligned herself with the Bloc Quebecois, which has already expressed concern about the deterioration of the political and social situation in Burundi.
In fact, the ethnic make-up of the two countries is very similar, Burundian extremists have been stepping up their operations and political crises keep on erupting. In addition, there has been no improvement in the situation of Rwandans who have fled to Burundi.
The federal government, through the Minister of Foreign Affairs, must support the people and the Government of Burundi in their effort to find a lasting solution in their country. Canada cannot wait for a catastrophe to hit Burundi before acting.