Mr. Speaker, Canadian parents and families are being threatened by a movement to repeal section 43 of the Criminal Code.
Section 43 presently permits parents and teachers to use reasonable discipline on children should the circumstances warrant. Repeal would reduce parental authority and replace it with state authority.
This government interference would undermine the integrity and viability of Canadian families.
Today in the news there is a case in London, Ontario of an American tourist charged with assault for spanking his 5-year old daughter. In Calgary a triple amputee mother was similarly charged.
The justice and health departments have been reviewing section 43. The government has to come clean with Canadians as to its intentions. Polls tell us Canadians do not want more government interference in their homes and families. It is the parents who know what is best for their children, not interest groups, bureaucrats or so-called experts.
I call on the justice minister to reaffirm parents' rights to reasonably discipline their own children.