Mr. Speaker, a long answer that could have been shorter if it had been the answer to the question.
The question is a question of fact: Is Mr. Goldenberg a former associate of the chairman of the panel that drafted the orders? The question is very straightforward. It is a question of fact that will clarify the matter for the public, since the Prime Minister took the unprecedented step-I do not think this has happened very often in Ottawa, and I think it is probably the first time ever in the history of the federal Parliament and the federal government-of trying, and I think he did so in good faith, to isolate himself as though behind a wall from a fundamental decision by his government.
I therefore want to ask the Prime Minister whether he would agree that his wall shows some serious gaps and whether he realizes that the actions of his principal adviser, Mr. Goldenberg, allowed him to do indirectly what his conflict of interest guidelines prohibited him from doing directly?