I have two comments. I appreciate the fact that the member is concerned about superficiality. I would earnestly suggest if she reads the speech the Prime Minister gave on this subject in Saskatoon and if she reads the speeches that have been given by the Minister of Health, we have a superficiality that betrays the government's position today.
With respect to core services, we think core services should be those services deemed essential to the health care of Canadians as defined by health care users, practitioners, local administrators and provincial governments.
I explained in my speech specifically that we should not try to say what those services are. That is what got Ottawa into trouble in the first place. It made a commitment to a whole range of services which it could not continue to fund.
At every public meeting and meetings with the medical community that I have had where I have put this health care matrix up, you can get an excellent discussion and definition from those people if you put up that matrix. I suggest that if the minister and the member want to know, go and ask the people whose opinion on that definition is the one that counts.