With respect to the Early Stuart and Early Summer sockeye migrations and the Steveston Field Unit of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and each of the other such Field Units on the Fraser River system and the area covered by each such unit, for the years 1993 and 1994, ( a ) what were the staffing levels at each such unit and what were the staffing levels during weekends and statutory holidays during these migrations, ( b ) did staffing levels allow staff to be on the fishing grounds to conduct complete pre-fishing opening and post fishery clean-up patrols, ( c ) did staffing levels allow for pro-active patrols on a regular basis and full coverage of the native fishery during the open times, ( d ) what level of fishing occurred prior to the opening and the closing of the fishery, ( e ) what was the nature of the monitoring of the mandatory landing sites, were the mandatory landing sites monitored at all times during fishery openings on a regular basis, were there occasions when fishermen desired to land fish at a site but there were no monitored landing sites available, ( f ) did the monitors at the landing sites count the fish as stipulated in the Aboriginal Fisheries Agreements, ( g ) what was the level of catch monitoring and enforcement for Ceremonial Licences, ( h ) what was the level of night fishing and the level and consistency of the monitoring of such fishing and ( i ) what was the number of persons charged with infractions of fisheries regulations?
Return tabled.
Question No. 91-