Mr. Speaker, the students and teachers of Lincoln Heights school presented "We Canada, Oui", a variety show production in celebration of Canada, on May 3 and 4, 1995. Two hundred and fifty students from kindergarten to grade eight and their teachers recognized the Canadian arts and history by sharing their talents through acting, dancing, singing, and gymnastic displays.
With the Quebec referendum expected sometime this year, teachers Pat Wilson, Nancy Tanguay, and Sue Thorne-McCaffrey, coordinators of the show, proposed a theme celebrating Canada for a school-wide production as a way of supporting a united Canada and feeling good about our country. "We Canada, Oui" evolved into a total school effort as teachers and students from all grades at the school worked together and shared in the excitement of creating a performance that blended their efforts and originality with Canadian content and tradition.
The teachers and students of Lincoln Heights school, Waterloo, Ontario, are to be congratulated. The commitment to a united Canada, our youth, and our future are strengthened through efforts such as "We Canada, Oui".