Mr. Speaker, I think the hon. gentleman is perhaps misinterpreting that particular phrase used in part III of the estimates.
Obviously the issue of RBST use in Canada is under investigation at the present time in two different forums. One is the established legal regulatory forum which is under the jurisdiction of my colleague, the Minister of Health. As I understand it the appropriate officials in the Department of Health have not yet arrived at any determination as to what some future decision may or may not be with respect to RBST use in Canada.
Last year a second analysis was undertaken quite apart and independent from the regulatory jurisdiction of the Department of Health. That study was initiated by the agriculture committee of the House of Commons. It held public hearings and made a number of recommendations, including the proposal that whatever the regulatory decision of the Department of Health might turn out to be that at least for a one-year period the potential use of RBST in Canada ought to be delayed.