There was no Federal Business Development Bank (FBDB) advertisement placed on pages 80 and 81 of the December 5, 1994 edition of Maclean's.
FBDB placed an advertisement on page 49 of the November 28 edition and on page 101 of the November 14 edition. Both were part of FBDB's national advertising campaign. The November 28 advertisement was free, i.e. , at not cost to the FBDB.
The regular price for an advertisement like the one full page, four colour, that appeared in the November 14 edition of Maclean's is $27,480. The actual cost to FBDB for that ad was $23,076, representing 19 per cent off the regular price.
It should be noted that FBDB advertising is entirely paid for by the bank, which operates on a full cost-recovery basis in its financial services.
In its last examination report to the FBDB 1993, the office of the auditor general noted that the bank lacked comprehensive plans for marketing its services. To address this concern and achieve its objectives related to the complementary lender role of the bank, the bank seeks the expertise of external experts to develop, co-ordinate and implement national advertising campaigns, in order to maximize its impact with target audiences and minimize its costs.
Therefore, the purpose of FBDB advertising is to accurately and timely inform as many small and medium sized businesses as possible and potential entrepreneurs of the availability and nature of the innovative financing and management products and services offered by FBDB.
FBDB national advertising is limited to print, media, such as magazines and newspapers. FBDB does not advertise on a national basis on radio or television.
A smaller annual budget is allocated to each of the bank's 78 branches nation wide for the placement of local advertising in their community. Branch managers typically use the most effective local print media for reaching small and medium sized businesses and promoting local financing and management services programs offered by the bank. Exceptionally, a very small proportion of local radio advertising may be used. No television is used.
As mentioned, there is no national advertising on radio and television and only print media are used. A specific breakdown, along the categories listed above, is not recorded. Total amounts spent during past fiscal years since 1988 are as follows:
Total amounts spent for fiscal year 1995 are not yet available.
Question No. 165-