Mr. Speaker, the Minister of Finance has gone on the hustings for Lyn McLeod and the son of red book. In a speech to the Liberal faithful, the minister heaped praise on the Ontario Liberals for setting a four-year target for the elimination of the deficit, calling their so-called strategic spending cuts laudable and their tax cuts sensible. This is very ironic. In a classic case of Liberal doublespeak, it is another example of do as I say not as I do. It is just like their MP pension plan reform.
Despite constant Reform pressure, the minister has repeatedly refused to set a date to eliminate the deficit and has actually increased taxes by over $1.5 billion. Liberals love taxes so it is not surprising that they would tax logic along with everything else.
Not to worry. The son of red book will end up with the garbage with its federal parent. Ontario voters will have the sense to realize that it is only by the application of the sound Reform principles of deficit elimination, debt reduction and the resultant tax reductions which will ultimately work to-