Mr. Speaker, as a member from Nova Scotia I rise today to congratulate the Nova Scotia government for demonstrating vision and leadership with its solution for the redevelopment of Route 104.
In these times the Nova Scotia solution to highway 104 offers the safest redevelopment possible and safety is the most important issue here.
The $29 million federal-provincial investment will kickstart a $110 million private and public partnering project that will create over 800 jobs and ensure that this dangerous stretch of highway is developed in only two years, contrasting sharply with the public sector only alternative which would see redevelopment over seven to ten years.
The safety of Nova Scotians cannot be put on hold for 10 years. It is irresponsible to even suggest it can be. However, this is exactly what the western based Reform Party is calling for and so are the Tories, Brian Mulroney's friends in the other place. It is a shame these out of touch parties are willing to play old style politics with the safety of those travelling the Nova Scotia highway system. Nova Scotians want immediate action. They deserve nothing less.
The province should be congratulated on its innovative solution, which offers the quickest, safest and most cost effective redevelopment possible.