But I am from Nova Scotia and we do not have a problem with these questions in Nova Scotia as Premier Savage could tell the member. We have employment equity on the books in Nova Scotia and it is working well.
As to the difference between quotas and numerical targets, let me do this very, very slowly so there will be no difficulty with comprehension. Let me remind them again that I used to get paid to do this for groups like theirs but the afflicted need assistance and I am happy to help.
A quota. Do we understand percentages? A whole can be turned into 100 per cent. Do we understand that? Let us say we decided we needed a quota of Reformers to be allowed to go and see a movie. Let us say there are 100 seats in the movie theatre. We will give 25 per cent of those seats or 25 seats to the Reform Party. There will be 25 Reformers there and the other 75 people will not be Reformers. That is the quota, okay?
On the other hand, consider a target. I understand why you gentlemen have difficulty with this. The concept is, to a degree, a bit more intellectual, a bit more inspirational than a hard and fast, let us cut the block out of the square.
The answer is to look at the whole picture and say, there are all sorts of Reformers who need the education that this movie can give. Let us look at the number of Reformers that we feel through their merit could understand what it is we are trying to teach. Rather than saying Reformers will get 25 seats, it may well be that only 18 of them will get in because only 18 of them will have the wherewithal to handle it.