Motion No. 12
That Bill C-76, in Clause 21, be amended by replacing lines 4 and 5, on page 14, with the following:
"subsequent crop year shall be determined by".
Motion No. 14
That Bill C-76, in Clause 21, be amended: a ) by replacing line 6, on page 16, with the following:
"181.18 (1) During 1999, the Minister shall, in"; and b ) by replacing lines 13 to 15, on page 16, with the following:
"and on the sharing of efficiency gains as between shippers and railway companies.
(2) The Minister shall, as part of this review, determine (a) whether the repeal of this Division and Schedules I, II and III will have a significant adverse impact on shippers; and ( b ) whether this Division and Schedules I, II and III should be repealed.
181.19 If the Minister determines, pursuant to paragraph 181.18 (2) ( b ), that this Division and Schedules I, II and III should be repealed, then this Division and those Schedules shall be repealed on a day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.''