Mr. Speaker, it is hard to come up with figures just on the spur of the moment. When we are trying to find our way through $165 billion worth of spending it is difficult sometimes to find exactly where the numbers are. On spending cash, writing cheques, let me see if I can find it.
From the 1993 public accounts we made payments and other charges, annual allowances-and this is out of the ordinary pension plan-of $9.8 million. Out of the other one we paid out $13 million or $14 million. This totals about $23 million, and we as members only contributed 10 per cent of that, about $2.3 million.
To answer his other question, their definition of double dipping is to be paid out of the general revenues of Canada. As far as I am aware, no member of the Reform Party is getting paid out of the general revenues of Canada or is enjoying a patronage appointment by the federal government. Therefore the innuendos he applies to the Reform Party are totally false.