The Chair takes no offence when points of order are raised in the House. I like to get advice from both sides so that we can see what is the lay of the land.
As to the remark from the hon. member for Beaver River, with all respect to her, I want her to know that I take no offence at these points of order being raised.
When this was raised last week I mentioned to hon. members that sometimes we are skirting the rules very closely. At that time I asked all hon. members give enough latitude to the Chair so we could have the normal give and take that occurs in question period.
It is true when we are debating a certain bill, I as your Speaker listen very closely both to the questions and to the answers. I have to wait until a question is asked to know whether I am going to make a ruling on it being in order or out of order.
I asked hon. members last week to please give your Speaker enough latitude to be able to conduct these question and answer periods for the benefit of the House. I thank both members of the government party for their interventions and all three interveners for the Reform Party. What sets questions up, and you know this and I know it, is the preamble. I have given all latitude to members asking questions and even in the responses I have allowed ministers and responders-