Mr. Speaker.
There are strange things done when the midnight sun Has set in the month of June, By politicians old who set as their goal To make us sing their tune. There's little time left, so let's be deft And invoke tight party rule, For we know what's best and ignore the rest And oh, can we be cruel. If a pesky MP says, "This bill's not for me", That's a sticky situation, Like a ton of bricks, we'll stop those tricks, And revoke the nomination. But the citizens of this land we love Have had it up to here, With the ancient way this game is played, Oldtime politicians should fear. For when a member of this House Votes against the party, They solemnly stand for a new type of land That the voters say is hearty. There soon won't be space In this marvellous place, All the members to try Who have stood with pride And been muscled aside But have said to the old ways, goodbye!