Yes, it is definitely a matter of money. It is incredible how little time the government took to consult people.
The member for Cochrane-Superior said earlier, or seemed to imply, that, in fact, people had been consulted and were in favour. A look, however, at the government's so-called survey reveals the extent to which it was manipulated. It is not a real survey. Some people were asked if they were in favour of a $2 coin being issued if it meant a saving of $300 million.
Half the respondents were opposed, really opposed. One cannot be opposed in principle to the government saving money, but in its survey, the government did not even discuss more economical alternatives, like maintaining the status quo or eliminating the $2 bill. The people were not consulted. In fact, the public in general does not even know, in principle, that the government is planning to put out a $2 coin. This measure is slipped through, as though they wanted to impose it. Well, that is what they want to do.