Mr. Speaker, this morning the final press release of the G-7 Summit in Halifax, a summit that has not even taken place yet, was available to all. The source of this leak, which has embarrassed the governments of the six other G-7 countries, must be the Canadian government, the host of the summit. How confident the other G-7 countries must be of this government's reliability!
This amateurism puts us to shame. Quebecers and Canadians could be proud of the accomplishments of previous governments on the international scene. In earlier times, we were on the cutting edge of peacekeeping missions the world over. We once were the conscience of the western world regarding human rights. We once were the bridge between east and west, north and south, the United States and Europe. Today, the lack of imagination, of a vision for the future and the failure to see big have relegated us to a second rate role. The Canada of which so many people were once proud is no more.