Yes, we should get Reform members to read the speech of the hon. member, although I am sure most members would want to read all speeches from the hon. member for Bruce-Grey because they are so very eloquent.
Coming back to the matter in question of MMT, we in this country use that product. It is an additive to gasoline. It is an octane enhancer in effect but there are other octane enhancers we can use. For instance, ethanol can and has been used to provide the same kind of octane enhancement. I know ethanol cannot be a total replacement but that in itself along with other initiatives proposed by the Minister of the Environment assists the agricultural area, helps to clean up the environment and rids us of the product known as MMT.
I see that the member across from me disagrees; he says that is wrong. Well if the hon. member thinks so, he may be able to convince U.S. authorities and all the other jurisdictions in Western Europe, etc. All those countries are probably wrong while the hon. member is right. I am sure that many would have different opinions on this matter.
People ask whether sparkplugs are affected by MMT. Auto manufacturers have reported there is a greater incidence of sparkplug failure in Canada compared with similar product offerings in the United States. Sparkplug failure and other problems of that nature which are caused by the use of MMT affect automobile performance. Cars that do not perform well waste more gasoline, pollute more and so on; it is a chain reaction.
It is interesting to note that the maintenance schedule which includes tune ups and so on for the brand of car I drive is substantially different in Canada from the United States. Why does a car have to be tuned up less frequently in Minnesota than in Ontario or Manitoba? There is no logical reason save perhaps what is used to propel the car is different and maintenance may be required more in one jurisdiction than the other. We are told precisely by auto manufacturers in the instance of sparkplug failure that there is greater wear on sparkplugs and a greater incidence of failures where MMT is used compared with where it is not.