Mr. Speaker, constituents of Hamilton East should know their MP has created legislation that will increase smog over Hamilton. The Canadian Petroleum Products Institute recently made a claim that removing MMT would be the equivalent of adding over one million additional cars to Canadian roads. That is what this environment minister is doing.
It is said that the onboard diagnostic sensors are put in cars essentially for consumer protection. Industry Canada's role is to protect, assist and support consumers' interests. It would only make sense this bill be made an industry bill and dealt with in a more technical light. If the bill is industrial rather than environmental, it should then go to the appropriate standing committee.
Further, the problem addressed in this bill is essentially a commercial dispute between two industries, the automobile manufacturers and the petroleum refiners. It is about who pays to reach the next level. The Minister of the Environment really has no business stepping into the fray of this marketplace decision and the deals and the manoeuvres going on in another country.
Last year the minister was pressured by the MVMA and therefore found a way to make the issue an environmental bill. Apparently representatives from General Motors, Ford and Chrysler met with the Minister of the Environment to discuss the banning of MMT. They told her that if MMT was still in gasoline in August 1995, a time when all new models would be released, they would do one of three things: raise the price of each automobile by $3,000; void sections of their car warranties; and/or close down some high technology Canadian manufacturing units. She could not because Reformers were here, and they did not do what they threatened to do because they lied in the first place.
The minister did not know and for that matter probably did not care what effects MMT had on the environment. She knew the MVMA have tremendous power. When they said jump, she asked how high.
Our motion is to change the wording of the bill so it reads that the subject matter be referred to the Standing Committee on Industry. The House has heard the Minister of Industry rise on questions related to the issue. He realizes that it is closely associated with his department. However, the industry minister did not take it on because it was too embarrassing a proposal.
The Minister of Industry has said he wants a uniformity of standards between the U.S. and Canada. He stated in the House on April 25, 1995 that "it is crucial that we have uniformity of standards. The efforts we have put into trying to ensure there was a voluntary agreement between the two sectors has been well placed, but finally governments have to decide".
The Minister of Industry wants our fuel to be the same as it is for various parts of the United States. He wants some uniformity. He may not have to wait very long. The United States is set to have the American MMT prohibition lifted some time before Christmas of this year. However, the Minister of the Environment is too committed down a certain path to thoughtfully do what is right. She is on a direct course to please her friends, play with her Canada, and leave us with all the bills.
All members of the House are honourable enough to evaluate what is really going on here. The Liberal backbenchers know what is going on. If there were ever a time to blow the whistle on the boss, it will be on Monday when we have a vote on the motion moved by my colleague from Calgary North. It is eminently sensible and appropriate to send this bill to the industry committee.