Mr. Speaker, the Canadian medicare system needs an overhaul. We Reformers believe the best way to overhaul a system is through respecting provincial jurisdiction and granting provinces and Canadians choice and flexibility.
With an Ottawa imposed deadline looming over Alberta, it has been reported that the federal government may now be willing to allow private clinics. What happened to the infamous line in the sand the Minister of Health proclaimed in Victoria? Has she decided to erase it? Why the flip-flop?
Last week in this House the minister stated: "To date the Canada Health Act has been extremely flexible in allowing for change within different provinces". If that is true, why the need for deadlines threatening financial penalties? Based on her statement, I would expect the minister to accept Alberta's decision to deinsure tax funding of abortions.
The minister cannot have it both ways. Either she will allow for genuine choice and flexibility in the health care system that works for all Canadians or she will continue to adhere to an outdated piece of legislation.